Peter Tucker

Managing & Design Director

Peter is the founder of Genius of Design. He has been involved in manufacturing and new product development (NPD) for almost 4 decades.  He is an expert in plastic injection molding and press metal components. He is trained in the design thinking methodology and applies these skills to service design.


Peter has a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Design, and a Diploma of Project Management. Along with a trade background in toolmaking, all culminating into 4 decades of manufacturing experience. Peter has operated and managed various businesses over the past 25 years,  specialising in  tool-making and plastic injection moulding, designing new products, special purpose machinery, plastic injection molds and press tools.

Peter specialised in designing and manufacturing, from bespoked to the mass produced. He has a deep knowledge and respect for the process and materiality, alongside the appreciation for beauty and usability. He works with you to create a product or solution that is a pleasure to own and to work with.

Peter has spent the last few years gaining experience and know-how in the field of design thinking. His research skills and design ability allow him to guide a team through the service design process.