The Bare Bones Chair and Ottoman was a project undertaken to design a furniture piece that could be flat packed and easy to assemble. Other constraints in the design brief were as follows;

  • The furniture piece had to fit the requirements of check-in luggage for international flights.
  • 21 kg maximum weight, we achieve a packed combined weight of 17kg.
  • The box size had to fit the size requirements for the check luggage
  • We had to take into account the sustainability of the product
  • Meet the customs clearance for materials into other countries

We managed to meet these constraints with ease. The target market was the Chinese traveller who we believed would appreciate Australian Made. The materials used in the construction were hoop pine “AA” grade ply wood, a regrowth timber grown in Queensland and northern NSW. All the timber components were painted and sealed for an aesthetic appearance and to protect the timber as a requirement of customs board protection processes, which if left uncoated would incur further costs to the customer due to fumigation and quarantine of the product.

The photo’s illustrate the working prototype assembled on display; the models and design process with the flat pack and 3D modeling of the renders.